till it falls away...

Energetic precedes the physical

That which extends into manifestation was 

Born so long ago 

It is already in the process

Of dying, of returning


Let us build a new culture not

Fixed in its gaze on what has always been.


But on the vibration of:


A new horizon

A collective pull

that tugs the
next sunrise to the shore.

Call the chaos

In this direction 

Aligning it

specific attention, precise intention

with the longing of your heart


And then that moment falls away
are we are releasing too

Already knowing something new arises

I let this pebble fall from my mouth,

And it is already moving back to the source


Decomposing in this life span

Allow death to play its important role

Of calling what has lived and died
to dissolve and come back home

Happy Friday!

I am thinking once again about energy, the cycles of the elements and how do we let things go?

Every form will eventually fail. The entropy effects everything around us, yet death is not an end but a migration, a rebirth, and transformation. The fallen log becomes a home, fuel, nutrients of the ground. Energy transforms and it moves itself out of an old shell into something else.

"The law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics, states that the energy of a closed system must remain constant—it can neither increase nor decrease without interference from outside. The universe itself is a closed system, so the total amount of energy in existence has always been the same. The forms that energy takes, however, are constantly changing."
-Scientific American  by Clara Moskowitz

We are energy, and we move through the elemental cycles throughout our lives and in every movement. We breath, we have the warmth of digestion, the watery movement of our fluid system, the solidness of our bones, yet their is always something else, the elusive animating energy that drives our consciousnesses. Where does that go when we die?

And in our lives, where does the energy that once lived in a project, idea, friendship, old job go? What about that meal we made last week or this newsletter that I am writing?

“By energy we mean the animating force in nature ,the source of life, growth and healing…Energy is a great mystery. Energy is everywhere. Energy is the medium of the universe, but we do not know where it comes from.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only transform itself. Our knowledge of energy is merely a description of this process of transformation.”

Bruce Burger in Esoteric Anatomy

Here are a few questions to ponder:

What can you allow to die?

What are you feeding into the invisible realms through your thoughts, feelings, and intentions?

What do you want? For yourselves, your community, and the world?

Now, in the dark days of the year, dream, visualize and imagine; then let your actions bloom our of those dreams.

You are powerful.

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