

Which direction does energy flow?

From earth to sky or sky to earth?

Feeling an earth to sky pulse in the pelvis

Large tangible waves of energy

This is for action

This is one way not THE way

And now a flow down from the stars pulse at my heart with a sense of a lightness 

This is for dreams

Pull up the earth 

Pull down the sky

Spiral of the up and down snake

Feel both and be both

Guidance and execution

This is the positive aspect in the plane of duality

This creates the balance that makes invisible energy visible

This is the tension that form exists upon

You experience it as first one then the other
because your relationship to time
is like beads on a string

But it is both and existing

Together for all of time

Not and never separate 

They are one

Stay flexible to acknowledging  

that if you are in action, rest exists and if you are in rest, action exists

If you are receiving, giving exists and if you are giving, receiving exists

photo by Roland Toledo of BunkerFood Studio

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