Snake Skin

Shed. You know what needs to be shed, what has in fact already died.

Write it down, or perhaps bring it to the surface in a mediation or movement practice. Feel it on your edges. It is some version of you.

 It is “the pampered loyalty of an old habit

That liked us so much it decided to stay, and never left.” (Rilke translated by Miranda)

The habit of an attraction, aversion, story, way of thinking and feeling, belief system, that has governed you, that has narrowed your curiosity and angled your vision to the myth of “only one way.” 

You know it has in fact already served its purpose. Its purpose of protecting you at some point, its purpose of helping you move through a particular stage of growth.

And because it helped you, you feel loyal to it, you want to return the favor, you want to give it life- even if it is now taking yours. The exact thing that helped you survive is now strangling you, burdening you.

“Every Energy field is a cycle embodying creation.

…At the earth phase of resonance the vibrations crystallize into matter, and lose the ability to resonate with the omnipotent spiral of creation. At this phase elimination takes place, resistance  is released, and the innate potency draws back inward..” (Burger, Esoteric Anatomy)

The snake slows down and prepares to shed, it has the environment it needs, rough rocks to rub against, a place it can move through and a place for the newly revealed body to land.

Like a snake skin now, peel off this old version of you, the one living at the edges of you and waiting to be sloughed off. Use your body and something solid, the floor, the ground, the wall, sand or rocks and work it off of you. Embody this practice, because why not? It lets the wisdom that lives outside our analytical mind take the lead. Leading you to more freedom, leading you to the next evolution of your essential nature. 

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