It's all right here
The Field
Feels wide and textural
Existing in All directions
Playing at The inner psychic ear
The field pulses and
vibrations are both
Sent and received through the its fabric
The field is stretching eternally
Yet we potentialize it
In each moment
With our earthly bodies
It’s all right here.
Our experience of life in these bodies is a constant collision of what is form, what is formless, what is tangible and intangible.
There are colors we cannot see, don’t have the hardware to pick up, but they are still here.
It's all right here.
The invisible pushes through the visible. Each moment is a concise knitting of sound, taste, smell, sight, feeling, intuition, longing.
Our memory, our longings, our dreams, our rituals, our practice, our habits and habitats, they exist falling forward and dissolving into what is unfolding in the unknown potential. We live right at that edge.
Our senses help us narrow this incredible breadth- our ability to attune and align
is crafting present life.
But it is all right here