enter your heart...


Can we be supported by the firmament of love?

The Fourth Energy Center/Chakra and the corresponding energy field of the body is the heart field. This is the bridge between the spiritual centers and the physical centers with the heart field as the connector and love being the bridge. 

The heart is the altar, that communication point between physical and non-physical, and allows both without saying one is more important or better than. Heart wisdom knows that we are the infinite and finite reality, that we are in the all one and in the individuated body. Both/And.

Meditation/visualization Practice:

Settle your attention deep in your heart. You may place a hand there if it helps.

There is a place, a secret place in your heart that is just for you.

It was placed there by your soul before you were born. It lives on in you now, waiting for your arrival.

Visualize in your heart a window, a door, or a crevice, or perhaps a crack for light.

Through this portal the inner gift  of your heart flows forth. It is perhaps a continuous flowing river that never ends, it is a light that shines, it is a window allowing air, it is a warmth that never cools.

Whatever image arises for you, this is just for you. This is your special gift, a medicine that can only be for you.

Visualize a version of yourself now, it could be you at this moment, you in the past or the future, whatever version arises let it be that one.

Visualize this version of you standing at the doorway, the river, the portal and receiving. Drinking or holding or bathing in the gift offered from your own heart, the gift your soul hid away for you to one day find. 

No matter what has happened before, you deserve this right now.  And only you can receive it, for others it would be poison, or at least benign. 

Stand at the portal to your heart and receive the gift your soul has placed there, long ago, before this time.  This is true inner communion.

As you come out of this practice, move your arms, stretch, physically move the area of your heart. Support the blood on its journey to your distal point and back with movement and breath. 

Thank you soul, thank you body. Thank you version of me that could receive.

Practice often.

photo by: Nick Reindl of dancer Jana Zahler
design by: Jana Zahler

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