Listening to Energy Practice
You may have practiced body scanning using inner sight. Now I invite you to practice body scanning using inner hearing.
All energy is, and has, a vibration, vibrations that are as unique as snowflakes.
Energy is both material, like the physical body, blood, organs, trees and rocks, and non-material, like emotions, thoughts, will and intention, air, and spirit.
Our collective cultural body is also energy, as is our myths, stories and ideologies.
None of it is fixed, all energy is alive, moving, dynamic. And all these energies have a corresponding vibration, frequency, sound.
Where seeing is pointed and one directional- hearing is 360 degrees. Listening to perceive opens a unique, omnidirectional perspective. While many frequencies are outside of what our ears are designed for, we can perceive vibrations through our bodies and extra sensory abilities.
Listening/Inner Psychic Ear Meditation
Begin to Tune your psychic ear into the vibrations in your body by listening to the beating of your heart. It may be a combination of a deep listening and a sensation.
Pause to practice
With the same kind of perceiving you used to listen to your heart beat, listen to other parts of your body. Open to the vibrations that live there. Take your time. Linger in places that draw you in, deeply listen to the quality, texture and timbre of the vibration there.
Pause to practice
Move the psychic listening into the space a few feet around you. What vibration is here? Tune in, even if it seems impossible.
Widen your listening experience to include the whole body and space around you all at once. This is your song, your symphony.
Listen to your song- tune to your inner symphony.
Pause to practice
Now- Shift attention to the silence, the quiet between and underneath the vibration.
Beneath the vibrations and sensations there is a field of deep and vast stillness, an emptiness that radiates with unmanifest life and potential. The field of zero that widens infinitely and connects all things. Listen to that which is pre manifest.
Pause to practice
Your body song is emanating out from this emptiness!
Allow expression and change as you listen with your curious psychic ear and your compassionate heart. Celebrate the symphony that is you!