Casting the Circle

Moving energy can be a big shiny thing. Places that were before numb are now activated you’re having a lot of sensation and feeling. It’s a bit dazzling and exciting. However it can also be destabilizing and upsetting when things that you’ve held down for a long time rise to the surface, it can be overwhelming and intense in all the bad ways as well as all the good ways.

In our culture we don’t have a lot of support in remembering that we are more than all of this all the time. That we are the consciousness that watches not the thing watched. When we dance with big energy we need to balance it with wide consciousness- a container large and safe enough to support it’s safe passage.

Part of my work with others is allowing different aspects of self to arise and have their say-to even exaggerate them- and move any held energy inside of it. This allows for hidden parts to become less feared, more heard, and eventually integrated into the whole.

To do this though loving space needs to be created, there needs to be a wider viewpoint that can listen but not overly identify with all the aspects of self rising up. There needs to be room in the breathe and body, time and physical space.

Every energetic process is initiated by giving it room, often more room than we think we need. Room to expand, evolve, allow and change.

Here is a simple practice of drawing a circle physically, psychically, emotionally, in any way you connect with, in service to crafting the alive and vibrant container for what wants to be nourished, moved, and grown.

This is how we will start our November Instrument of the Infinite workshop.




This ritual is for you when you feel terrified to live, if you feel yourself peeking around the corner at you body and your life, one part pulled to step in fully another part unwilling until it is safe. 


This is for you if you are hiding inside your mind, perhaps enraptured by the treasures you have stored there, but unable to find the pathway out.


If you walk through life assuming people are out to get you, take from you, frighten you, and that you must hide at all costs.


If you are unsure of your place, your feet, your legs, your root,where you land in yourself.


If you long to hear the faint calling whisper of a gentle voice… come home come home-I have made it safe and warm for you. If you are ready for cohesion and coordination and a core to your day, this moment, this body, this life.


If you can find any of the above you bring the gift of beauty, creativity, curiosity, wonder. You bring the gift of thinking way outside the box, and of connecting the worlds of spirit and imagination with the present. You bring the gift of your gentle, deliberate, and observant soul to the world. 





This container is where we begin

This crafting of space, casting a circle of welcome to our inner selves. 


To open the process we look to the element ether-


Ether as charged space, as unmanifest potential.

Ether as the pregnant pause, the dark theater before the curtain raises,

fhe field cleared and the seeds not yet sowed.  


The anticipation of the unknown is held in the circle of our own making.


Cast the circle around you- right here and right now.

Walk it, define it with your gaze or your extended arm.


Or draw it on a piece of paper- casting protections as you go; inside this circle is the charged potential in alignment with my highest and best, in alignment with my being, my growth. And draw yourself in the circle, safe and grounded.


Call in the anchors you most resonate with- be that your ancestors, guides, directions or your cat. Anchor the space with objects, rocks, salt, water, wood, that comfort and support you.


Practice noticing the place you are identifying from and notice your noticing. Anytime our awareness shifts to become more inclusive, our consciousness expands.

Experiment with allowing for more of your feelings, sensations and thoughts to arise and be observed with little to no interference. Can you release the desire to make anything different? 


If you feel compressed or frightened in this noticing, reconnect with the cast circle, let there be air between the molecules, breath in your noticing, feel that the container is strong enough to hold all that arises and spacious enough to give it all room to be.

Nothing in this moment needs to be changed. We are simply taking inventory with kind eyes and heart. 

Allow yourself to be in the center of this circle. The nucleus of the charged space as it enlivens and tingles with your unmanifest potential, with life force all around. 

Breathe and Be.


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