Enlivening the pelvis combines embodied anatomy, dance/movement and creative practice with the elemental cycle.
There have now been 4 iterations of this series.. and it continues to evolve!
My vision is to keep offering this work in a rolling and ongoing way, creating a larger and larger group that experiences it. I want to encourage folx to come in and out of the processes as they feel called. To take and retake the series at different times.
Upcoming is a continuation of a series started at Body Mechanics a few weeks ago. The first session was EARTH and BONES, the rest are as follows below.
Some of you may want to join this round! If you feel that YES, then come on in. This series are designed for humans born with a uterus.
You can read more and sign up here. (click over to the workshops tab)and you can reach out with ANY questions to me.
If you are interested but cannot make any of these sessions, don't worry- there are more iterations coming in the future — includinga winter online version, and another round at FLOCK Dance Center in the spring.
OCTOBER part 1 Earth/bones
December 9th part 2 Water/pelvic bowl
December 16th part 3 Fire/Womb
January 6th part 4 Air/Breath/Voice
February 3rd part 5 Intuition/Discernment/Choice
The container is where we begin. We are connecting with the framework of the pelvis and locating the bony landmarks through movement and touch. The bones tell our story yet are alive, they provide structure and edges.
The structures of the soft tissue of the pelvis are beautiful and complex. Figure eights, lines and curves, octopuses and jellyfish. When we allow a sense of water, tide, rise and fall to support our movement we become grounded within dynamic expression. When we imagine our emotions as energy flowing through our body we free up held emotional expression.
What is the creative fire? What is the spark of renewal, rebirth, regeneration? What if we turn our attention to not what is manifest but the energy of manifesting itself? We were all made in the velvety dark folds of the womb, sparked with the energy of creating. What if we could find that vibration even now, in this moment. . . and in this one?
The domes of the diaphragm and the pelvic floor mirror each other. They both respond to and interact with breathing. There is a dynamic interplay between them, as well as with the domes of the arches of the feet and the soft palate. We will work to let these places all move more easily, letting breath come and out with grace and strength. The connection between the pelvis and the throat exists in every level of our being- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. In this workshop we also play with vocalizing and making sounds.
The pelvis and the gut brain have a knowing that speaks differently than our everyday logical mind. It speaks to us directly – warns us, excites us and points in the direction of our calling. The pelvis also works every single day in a process of discernment, acting through its own wisdom of what to keep, and what to let go. Can we build more relationship with our gut and let it guide us?