Casting the Circle and Embodying Intention —
An Online Creative Lab / Ritual w/ Tracy Broyles offered through Corporeal Writing
Saturday January 7th, 2023 10:30AM—1:00PM Pacific over Zoom
(A recording will be made available to all registrants for a limited period afterwards.)
Everything has an energetic vibration, whether that is a feeling, a thought, or a longing, and these vibrations play through the body. By training our capacity to be curious about sensation, and to move with the currents of the present moment we become more available to the creative mystery that we live in tandem with.
To honor the beginning of a cycle, we support it with a container that we charge with energy.
In the first part of this workshop we will cast a literal and metaphorical circle around our presence, giving enough room and container to allow the intention for the year to find us. We will be the most generous host to the sensations in our body, following their voices and guidance gently, seeing what energies within are wanting to be heard.
In the second part we will choose our intention from what arose, and practice inhabiting it in a vibrational, embodied way. We explore in favor of gesture, posture, movement and sound. We will dial our frequency in the middle of our cast circle to anchor a repeatable movement medicine we can return to throughout the year.
This workshop utilizes guided somatic movement exploration, energy channeling, and journaling. No prior experience is required.