Are you feeling this mercury retrograde? This turning back in to do all the RE words... review, rewind, reassess? Looking at the communication around us- not just with others but within ourselves? And with our most precious intimate relationship- that with spirit.
Whatever that brings up for you.......There it is. There is some kind of relationship we are all in with the mystery of the life force. And there is NO ONE WAY.
The only real relationship with our divinity is one we uniquely cultivate and nurture ourselves. Just as fear is custom made, so is our relationship to spirit.
In service to self knowledge, curiosity, and play for JUNE SEA Classes we will focus on:
Most of you have practiced this with me before, but I want to go a little deeper. I want to respond to the creative pulse, allow something from within to surface, craft it, see it and be with it as a mirror, then allow it to sift and sink back into the deep well from which it emerged. Can we not judge what we create? Can we affect and be affected by our own manifestation of something which is by nature unmanifest and mercurial?
In class I will guide you into sensing your energetic body through meditation and movement. You will then craft an "energy self-portrait.".
In the in-person 2 hour class we will create and relate to the portraits then and there. In the 1 hour remote class you will be supported in how to create and relate to it in the comfort of your own home, and in your own timing.
To participate: You must register in advance. Class size, particularly for the in-person class, is extremely limited!
Only Two spots remain for the in person class- Held on Tuesdays 6/8 and 6/15, 10-12 am. (Class size is limited to 4.) Investment is $40. Supplies provided.
8 spots remain for the online class-Held Wednesdays 6/9 and 6/ 12-1 pm.(Class size limited to 12). Investment is $18. Supplies not provided. Over Zoom.
Through the summer classes will continue to run in this pop-up kind of way. Class schedule for JULY will be available by 6/15.