Tuesdays 2/6, 2/13, 2/20 7-9 pm
Momentum Studio 1028 SE Water Ave, suite 250
tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/insideoutiside-tickets-42436677244
“We are situated between infinitely large and infinitely small
Suspended from forever points.”
We have natural inclinations towards turning our gaze inward, or outwards, as well as cycles dictated by our past and present situations. Our lens resides somewhere around this window of expansion and contraction and through this we see our scope of life.
In this series of interconnected workshops the aim is to give you more insight, as well as more autonomy of choice, into how you reach towards your internal depths and/or your environment. How you might dance with the curiosity that quickens our attention towards one or another perspective. Noticing, playing, and embodying where we have distortions in moving out or moving in.
Somatic inquiry, movement improvisation and core energetics concepts are employed as our method of discovery. Letting the body lead.
Each class will have a warm-up, personal exploration, and time to witness and be witnessed. We will move a lot. All aspects will be supported and guided, organized around thematic material. Open to anyone intrigued.