What locates you?
What locates you in the anchor of now?
Is it the watery pressure
Against your shins
As the river pushes you
To alignment?
Is it the sun shining
At your back and crown
Casting your playful outline
On the sand and ground?
Is it the density and weight
Of that rock
The one nestled in your palm and
Against your eyes?
Is it this in-breath now
Pushing out your lungs
To stretch and expand the
Space inside?
Or the meeting of one hand to another, firm and alive?
Our senses remind us of here and
Our body locates us now.
There is constantly arriving life-
Release the remnants of
Yesterday's coffee
And tomorrow’s shopping trip.
Remind your branching nervous system:
I need you now
The reach of the tree gives feedback to the root.
-tracy kate broyles 2021
This poem was inspired by a creative process at the river I participated in a few weeks back led by Sarah-Lu Baker with Becky Spark. At one point as we were all sharing about an improvisation practice, and I noticed we were locating ourselves in the present through a specific aspect of our senses. You can read more about that experience and see some of Adrian’s photos through Sarah-Lu’s newsletter here.
Our bodies and our senses are wise. They provide continuous support for grounding, for becoming present, and for the pause to say: I am here, safe and grounded. I am giving and receiving with the world around me. there is room for me, and I am a part of this particular moment right here and now. And what is the “I am?” Ahhhhh- well- for now let’s leave room for a little mystery…
I hope you find some pleasure through your senses this weekend.