“The true self cannot be divided but the imaginary self can be divided very easily.”

  • Adyashanti from Emptiness Dancing

In Core Energetics images is the word that is used to describe our emotionally charged belief systems, our magnetic habits of thought. 

They are called images specifically because that is primarily how we “catch” things in our world. (If you are vision impaired I would love to know if this is true for you, or if your auditory becomes the primary imprint.) We begin to have imprints upon our third eye long before we even understand language. A lot of our imprints and images just flow right through but when a picture is coupled with an intense emotional response it gets fixed and does not move in the same way. We then, as a form of defense and control from pain, begin to play the image out in our third eye again and again.  From there it broadcasts through the cells and nervous system, and impresses upon the whole energy body.

In this way, we end up with a feedback loop of image/imprint- to emotion (body sensations) then back again. It creates a closed loop between energy and consciousness, body and mind. Because images stay around for so long we eventually add to it a belief system (words or phrases that narrates the picture.)

An image can be formed in a split second, or it can be formed over time. It has been shown that memory works often in a composite way, you don’t remember every time you had dinner with your family, but you may have an image that is a composite of multiple times. As long as it has a strong feeling tone with it, it has the capacity to play out as an image loop.

These images become the beliefs that run our lives. When energy follows consciousness into this looping pattern it gets charged with a particular frequency and becomes magnetic. Since all life is also composed of energy and consciousness the images draw energy of the same frequency to them, which confirms and strengthens the image. So the loop extends now to the outside world.

Here is an example from my own life:

When my parents divorced it was a true surprise to me. I  did not see it coming. Whether this is because they were great actors, or I wasn’t paying enough attention- or both… doesn’t really matter. But from the shock and pain of that event I developed an image, a habit of belief, that all things are on a hidden path to certain destruction. Now while this can be supported philosophically with yes, actually all things DO destruct and die eventually, this was different. This was a barreling towards the belief system so I could not be caught off guard again. Because that hurt! So I was attracted to situations that were already falling apart, where I could openly see the problem, or I played the saboteur- which put me in control (or so thought.) I was picking up the pieces of life around me and forcing them to arrange in a way that would fit my belief system. And here is the thing- we are sneaky with this! Because it was operating out of my unconscious, not conscious mind, I did this for YEARS without seeing my own role in the pattern.

But these patterns never really work, never bring us what we want. Because deep inside we all want to grow, to be in an authentic life. And these closed loop images can never allow that. They are more interested in proving themselves “true” than evolving.

For me, I began to come up against things I really didn’t want to fall apart, and I became tired of starting from scratch. Ultimately it was exhausting, when you are always running to the end of the cycle you miss the very juice of the whole process.There is freedom surrendering to the natural rhythms of life. So my longing for something different grew loud enough that I had to do some excavating, and I had to reach out for support from people who were trained to see through the loop and into the truth of the matter.

It is important to note that this process happens no matter what the content of the image is. So if the image you play in your energy loop is one of peace, for instance, peaceful things will resonate around you and you will also look for them. But it needs to be real, you cannot fake it! If you are consciously playing peace but unconsciously and energetically running chaos—there will be chaos around you and an inner split. So use your life as feedback, sometimes we ALL need to look deeper and get help with our own blind spots.

Here is an example of an image playing out positively: Lets say you were lovingly nursed in a rocking chair with a dim light on. This imprinted deeply upon you, the rocking motion, the dim light, the warmth and nourishment. You will feel drawn to and comforted by these things, There is a picture in your mind, a feeling tone of love throughout your body, and a belief that babies can thrive when nursed in dim light in a rocking chair. The somatic tone of this kind of positive image will be different, more alive and less closed, more open to evolve-because you know that it is not the only way, but one lovely way of being.

Image seeking/ or examining unconscious patterns of thought, is a critical part of any healing, growth and wholeness process. And it is specific- your unique life and being has made specific versions of images for you. 

But to begin with, you can start to notice anytime you are using these phrases:






When you find yourself thinking, saying or writing these words-- it is an alarm to PAY ATTENTION. What do you always or never do, if WHAT happens then WHAT else will happen…. Is this true?

What parts of your life have these words in it? Is it relationships, your health, your creativity, your job? Does this language correlate to parts of your life you feel stuck with?

What about your body? Is there a familiar tension or holding when you are in these words? The somatic response to the closed energy loop is usually a holding posture. 

IF you can notice even a little tiny bit about these materials- congratulations! You are further along at uncovering and dismantling your images! Take a breath and an inner bow. Thank that curious compassionate observer within you…. And start to wonder again.. What is my authentic self longing for and what is actually true?

photo credit: Adrian Hutapea

Tracy Broyles